
Figma Design | Front-end | Back-end


Web School Voting System

Language: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Database: MySQL, XAMPP

Project Description: A web-based school voting system. The system allows users or students to vote for their chosen candidates.

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Student Information System (CLI)

Language: Python

Database: No Database

Project Description: A simple Student Information System (CLI) made using Python.

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Password Generator (GUI)

Language: Python

Database: No Database

Project Description: A simple Password Generator (GUI) made using Python.

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Library Management System (GUI)

Language: Java

Database: MS Access

Project Description: A Library Management System (GUI) made using Java. Follows CRUD operations and other features.

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POS System (CLI)

Language: Python

Database: No Database

Project Description: A simple Point of Sales System (CLI) made using Python.

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To-do-list (GUI)

Language: Python

Database: No Database

Project Description: A To-Do List (GUI) app made using Python.

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